Sunday, June 10, 2007

Dosti ya Kushti ???????

Its been twice since last few months that China has taken on India with a surprise.
The recent adventure being by new Chineese Foreign minister to directly challenge the
agreement signed by two countries in 2005.

Its a time for India to retrospect whether we have really been successful in CBM( confidence building measures) ? We have to decide whether China is trying to honour Dosti ya Kushti !!!

We have to live with the truth of being a neighbour of a mighty country and the recent economic compulsions. But at the same time we have to ensure that esteem of our country and of our brothers and sisters living out there in Arunachal is not sacrificed.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

On Your March; GET SET GO................................

I welcome You all in the world of Passion !!!

Its my feeling that the only difference between the Winner and the Loser is his deewangee (passion).

I shall post here all my felings that shall lead me towards my DEEWANGEE !!!