Friday, January 29, 2010

Yes we Can......

Below is an article which I have contributed towards our house journal. Basically this article has infact made me to update my blog after a long time. Hope to continue with blogging frequently.

Yes we Can.................

Sneha was a primary teacher in a remote village in Jharkhand. She taught her students to dream high and imbibed in them the spirit of patriotism. She always wanted to contribute a bit towards nation’s development and did this all through her career as a teacher. But she found herself helpless whenever her initiative hit block because of obstructionist attitude of bureaucracy and it was then that she decided to enter into the civil services and to try to transform it from within. She believed she can.....

Keshav was an engineer. He belonged to a lower income group family. His family had worked hard to see him become an engineer and to turn on their fortunes. After graduation he got a job in MNC and his sincere work helped him earn reputation, money and awards within the company. But he was always inspired by the likes of DJ , Karan, Sukhi and Aslam from “Rang de basanti” and believed in the ability of youth to change the way in which the system works. He quit his job despite opposition from his family in pursuit to achieve a larger goal of transformed India. He believed he can......

Sushil was a physically challenged boy. Most of the time in life he was either humiliated or was sympathised with. He wanted to live his life his own way and that too with dignity. He wanted to make it a point that irrespective of being physically challenged people like him can contribute towards society and nation’s development. He thought he can........

We can find many Sneha’s, keshav’s and sushil’s in the National Academy Of Direct taxes, Nagpur who have come here to undergo their induction training for next 16 months. There are about 135 OT’s in the 63rd batch of IRS. They have come from different background, regions, they speak different languages yet they have one common thing --the motivation to enter civil services for being part of a change and the belief yes we can.....!!

Instead of remaining out of the system and then cribbing about it they decided to change it. We as a part of system, now realise that the system itself is not perfect. It is afflicted with red tapism, conservatism, corruption, etc. Though the negatives on the side of civil services may seem to bog down its positives but the fact that the same system has been successful in providing stability and development in last 60 years makes us believe in the capacity of system to deliver.

Let us now take a pledge to do our best at whatever role we are chosen to play in next 30 -35 years. Only time would tell whether we would be successful or not, but through our work and belief we would try our best to make this happen. Oh god give us a chance to say,” Yes we could....”

All the best to all OT’s of the 63rd batch of IRS.

Long time

To all my blog readers , I am extremely sorry for being inactive for last 9 months. From now on i would try to blog atleast once in a week and share my experiences here.

Now the updates for lst 9 months:

I got selected through Civil Services Exam 2008 in my first attempt with a rank 306. I have been alloted Indian Revenue service ( Income Tax) and currently I am undergoing my induction training at National Academy OF Direct Taxes( NADT) , Nagpur.

Also I have written my second mains , the experience of which is better to be forgotten as quickly as possible. The result of civil services mains 2009 are expected to be declared by third week of february. Till then its happy time out here in academy.

Friday, April 24, 2009

My Civil Services Exam Interview

It had been a long wait. Almost two years ........since I decided to have a go at this exam. This being my first attempt at civils exam I was very happy and felt satisfied to get a call for interview as the preparations for mains exam had borne fruit.

My interview was scheduled in the afternoon session. As it was Delhi afternoon I decided not to opt for suit but instead preferred formals with just a tie. So with all the external cosmetic effects that I had given to my personality I arrived outside the UPSC building on Shahjahan road. I was completely at ease and was eager to perform and give my best during the interview. I did not want to waste this opportunity of lifetime.

Finally at 1.15 pm we were allowed to enter UPSC building and after series of checks we were asked to wait inside the waiting hall. The paperwork including verification of documents, cadre preference forms and travelling allowance took an hour extra and around 2.30pm the process of informing board to all the groups started.

We were informed by the peon that we had panel of IMG khan. I had not heard about this panel as i had not cared to dig out the information of UPSC members. Later on other members of my group informed me that it is a cordial panel and it is also sitting for the first time. I didn't care as I had decided to perform to the best of my abilities irrespective of panel. I was to be interviewed fifth in my group and so I had almost two and a half hours before my interview.

At around 5.00pm I was called by peon and was made to wait outside the panel room. As the bell rang I was called inside. There were five members including chairman. Let's call them CM, M1, M2,M3,M4 and myself as SUB.

It all started with basic formalities and after that I was asked to have a seat and then the interview began.

CM: So your name is shailesh ....?

SUB: Yes Sir..(cut in the middle)

CM: Unmesh....??

SUB: its my fathers name

CM: Balkawade.....???
(taking a cue)

SUB: Sir it's my Surname

CM: oh is it your family name.......

SUB:yes sir
(I wondered what he is trying to prove)

(As I was wondering what he is going to ask me next he was glancing thru my mains biodata form and suddenly he came up with his "doosra")

CM: It seems that you have studied only in Pune that means you have not travelled outside. But as a bureaucrat u need to know ur society well and for knowing your society you must have travelled outside. Dont u think that there is a gap between our requirement and ur profile?

SUB: Yes sir I accept your view that a bureaucrat needs to know his society and I also accept that it is my weakness that I have not travelled outside Pune. But Sir I am improving on it and recently after completion of my mains exam I have visited many places like Ralegaonsiddhi, hiwre bazar, and also I did a 10 days study tour of Akola district and melghat region in Maharashtra to know how the administration works.

CM: (seemed very happy) gr8!! So what all u did in Akola?

SUB: I met various district level administrative functionaries like district collector, chief executive officer of zilla parishad, superitendent of police , chief medical officer; also I visted few model villages and few underdeveloped villages to understand the gap between their levels of development.

CM: So what did u learn?

SUB: Sir I learnt that whenever there is positive participation of community and wherever there is a strong local leadership those villages have developed better........ ( Cut in between)

CM: Why do u think Akola is not developed as much as Pune is?( Then followed a lot of questions as to comparison between Akola and pune, vidarbha and western maharashta and should vidarbha be granted a status of seperate state?)

CM then asked M1 to proceed.( M1 who was more interested in sleeping suddenly woke up. He continued with his habit of sleeping thoughout the interview)

M1 : There is a theory coming up in Maharashtra that "Maharashtra is for Maharashtrians". Do you subscribe to this theory?
( I had expected question on this controversial issue of MNS and Raj thackerey and had decided to take a constitutional stand)

SUB: Sir I do not subscribe to this theory.

M1: Is it a political move?

SUB:Yes sir , it seems that it is a political move.

M1: Why the state government did not act then?

SUB: Sir I would like to clarify that the state goverment did act but it did not act promptly. Almost 32 cases have been registered against the person who flared up this issue last year.

M1: so why do u think that the state government acted late?

SUB: Sir I think that state government did nt want to look as a villain in the minds of people during its peak support period as it was a pre poll scenario.

M1: Who do you think are supporting Raj Thackerey?

SUB: Sir he is garnering support from those sections of youth who are unemployed as he is raking up issues concerning this section when all other parties have neglected them.

Chairman asks M2 to proceed.

M2: You have stayed in Pune. What kind of local government exists?

SUB: sir there is Pune Municipal Corporation.

M2: what functions does it perform?

SUB: Sir according to 74th Constitutional amendment there are some mandatory and some optional functions......(cut in the middle)

M2: Tell us what u have seen.

SUB: Sir few functions performed are supply of safe drinking water, primary health centres, sanitation, public transport, street lighting, disposal of Municipal solid waste(MSW).

M2: ok tell us what constitutes MSW?

SUB: (instantly) human excreta..........
(Everybody started laughing. It was then I realised that I had commited an error)

SUB: Sir I want to correct my answer as I was confused.(Member nods) Sir MSW constitutes garbage, construction material, plastic and broken glassware, waste papers......

M2 : what is the current method of disposal of waste in ur city? is it ecofriendly?

SUB: I explained the current method and finally said that it is not ecofriendly.

M2:What methods you can suggest?

SUB: Segregation of MSW into organic and inorganic. Conversion of organic waste into fertiliser by composting and compacting inorganic into bricks.

M2: Can u suggest any technology for ecofriendly disposal of waste?

SUB: Sir organic waste can be compacted into large pits. these pits should be refilled with pipes inserted in it.Methane produced during the process should be piped and be used to generate electricity.

M2: can u qoute some example?

SUB:yes sir, this is used to supply electricity to general motors plant in US.

M2: had u visited this plant?

SUB: No sir, I watched it over discovery channel.
(At this moment chairman nodded and said good.)

M2: What is india's largest source of electricity production?

SUB: Coal based thermal power plants.

M2: is this method eco friendly?

SUB:Sir no

M2: is there any latest technological improvement?

SUB: Yes sir there is use of supercritical boiler technology.

M2: what is its pressure?

SUB: Sir around 220 bar

M2: what are its advantages?

SUB: Overall plant efficiency is higher.

M2: Why???

SUB: Steam is at high pressure hence it has high energy content. Also there is effective combustion of coal.

M2: good!!

M1 woke up and asked abrupt question: What is the maiximum efficiency of mechanical device?(May be he had a dream of mechanical devices)

SUB:Sir about 80-90%

M1: tell exactly

SUB: Sorry sir I dont know.

M1 seemed satisfied that he was able to prove how intelligent he was even during his sleep while I seemed dumb even though I was alert. He then proceeded with his sleep further .

(M2 asked m3 to proceed. M3 was more interested in hobbies section of biodata form.)

M3: Cooking is your hobby..

SUB: yes sir

M3: what do you like to eat?

SUB: non veg dishes..

M3: what in non veg ?

SUB: Tanddori chicken

M3 : Can u prepare it?

SUB : no sir

M3: where do you eat then?

SUB: In hotel...
( Suddenly all members started laughing. I also joined them)

M3: what do you blog?( I answered what I blogged abt)

M3: what do you read?

SUB: Sir I have not read any literature but I do read daily newspapers.

M3 : What you did in dramas?

SUB: Explained him in detail.I did lights

M3: how important is role of a backstage person? In your future career as administrator u shall always need to work as a backstage artist? Ur experience shall help u.....

SUB: Sir drama is a team event and mistake at any level whether front stage or backstage mars the performance. hence backstage is also equally important as it complements the frontstage. Sir and as an administrator this quality of working in a team shall surely help me to work alongside political executives.
(Chairman nodded his head)

Chairman asked M4 to proceed.

M4: Should government divest itself of its role as implementer of midday meal(MDM) and instead give certain amount to parents and ask them to send their children to school.

SUB: Sir I think that the MDM scheme is working very well and alongwith providing basic
nutrition to children it has helped to decrease school drop out rate. Morever if amount is giiven then there is a possibiity that it might be spent on other activities of basic existence by the BPL families hence the education of children would suffer.

M4: How as planning commission Dy. chairman you would ensure effetive implementation of MDM schme.

SUB: Sir I would go for decentralisation of funds

M4: what if sarpanch irregularies these funds?Suggest other method

SUB: Sir SHG's can be promoted in implementation .

M4: what if sarpanch and SHG's collude?

SUB: sir there has to be a third party audit in form of social audit.

M4 was not giving up and he persisted with his if's and but's

M4: what if all three of them :sarpanch, SHG and third party auditors collude? what u will do as district collector?

SUB: Sir here I have to step in as district collector and look to it that the funds are not siphoned off and culprits are booked.

M4: No..No..tell as a budding IAS officer what you would do ? suggest some technological solution.......

SUB: at this stage I could not think of any better solution ....I kept my smile and politely said that At this point of time I cannot come up with any other solution.

(M4 still wanted to persist with his question but was stopped by Chman)

M4: Is Sarva shisksha bhiyaan successful?

SUB: sir it has succeded in building up the quanititaive infrastructure within the country but the quality of infrastructure has not developed much.( I wanted to direct the discussion towards quality of education but M4 with looks like that of Brajesh Mishra proved smart. He curtailed discussion on this topic.)

M1 who was sleping all the time , suddenly woke up again.

M1: there is a view that instead of investing huge sum of money in PHC's under NRHM government should invest that money in building institutions like AIIMS as no. of fatal diseases like cancer , heart diseases have increased. What do u think?

SUB: Sir I think that PHC's have to remain mainstay of our primary health infrastructure within the country as for the marginalised and poor section of the society government is the only organised hope. For them PHC's are the only source dusing epideimics, snake bites, etc. Also the quantum served thru PHC's all over the country is much more than what is served thru institutions like AIIMS. PHC's also provide local relief saving in transportation costs.
As fatal diseases are also important to cure but as government cannot provide free healthcare, government should create awareness for promotion of health insurance. Morever government can also subsidise premium on health insurance.

Chairman seemed satisfied he then took back the reigns of interview in his hands and proceeded with his set of questions.

CM: tell us history of pune?

SUB: Sir,...( cut)

CM: tell us how much time Peshwas ruled?

SUB: About 80-90 years

CM: What is the period?


CM: How peshwas were defeated?

SUB: British came and they defeated Peshwas.
(I failed to answer to the essence of question and just gave a blank answer. All the members including chairman laughed. I then understood what he wanted and then I responded back.)

SUB: Sir there were two main reasons. There was internal struggle for power between Peshwas and also there was struggle for dominance within Maratha confederacy. In 1817 there was war between Peashwas and holkars, this lead to weakening of Maratha empire.

CM: So internal struggle has always lead to downfall of empire. So what should we learn from history to apply it in current context?

SUB: Sir internal divisions always lead to downfall of a state. Hence though regional aspirations should be promoted pan national view should prevail.

CM: so you are promoting unity of india?

SUB: yes sir I am promoting unity and integrity of india.

CM: Thank you Shailesh.

I thanked all the members and came out of the room. It was about 5.35pm. So I had persisited for alll about 35 min. I am happy with my performance. I do not know how much marks this inteview shall fetch but yes I shall always be happy that atleast I was able to perform to my satisfaction.

Now there is gruelling wait for result. Let's hope everything turns out positive.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Dear all

I have been shortlisted for next stage of civil services exam i.e. Interview.
My results of mains exam were declared yesterday and I have qualified through the exam.Now entering into the final lap of exam.

Once again Hurrayyyy!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


"Time and tide wait for none" rightly said.

The time for declaration of my upsc mains result has come much closer ...may be next 2 days or so. I can still remember how cusriously I used to follow the day of declaration of upsc mains result last year, even though I had not give it.At that time I was preparing for my first attempt at upsc prelims. I used to look for each and every happening related to civil services exam with great curiosity.

Now I have travelled complete circle of one year and I am at the brink of getting my upsc mains 2008 result declared. But I dont know why I am not still feeling that heat? May be because I am sure of getting through or may be I am not taking this stuff seriously. Its been almost more than one and a half year that I am in this process and may be this has brought in the change. But I know this is a welcome change at it has brought down my anxiety level.

Anyways hoping to clear this exam and preparing for interview in next 14 days. All the best to all my exam mates!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Mumbai attacks-where to go from here???

26 Nov2008: 9:58 pm

The buisness had just begun and it was crispily discussed alongwith each sip of alchohol that drenched the throats in the porches of all the star hotels in Mumbai. It was party mood in the ballrooms and the night showed signs of getting increasingly romantic with each minute passing by. Suddenly there was smoke and chaos and it hardly took time to realise that mumbai was under terrorist attack.

Though a fellow mumbaikar is accustomed to the sporadic events that test his nerves, this attack was a different one. It had directly challenged the law establishment entitled to protect citizens. This time not only were the middle class citizens attacked but a clear attack was carried out against the places so as to cause maximum casualty to foreigners and directly challenge the economic might of India by carrying out attack on its economic capital.

With 59 hours of long fought out battle, 183 civilian deaths including 20 casualties of security forces, the attacks clearly brought out a series of question that we need to address at the earliest. Was it a intelligence failure or a systemic failure? Are our forces equipped to fight this new battle? How long we are going to politicise even the basic issue of citizen security ? Have we failed to build up into ourselves the feeling of one nation or is this going to be a value that is to be displayed only when war like situation emerges? Can we think over national interest by placing our regional interests into background? Can we learn how to cherish our martyrs- real heroes?

The questions that clutter around one's mind may be many but it is necessary to find solutions to every question that we pose to ourselves. We as individual citizens have to remember that now our time has come - not to pose questions and wait for someone to act but to make it a point to act whenever and wherever situation demands.

I think the situation has to be improved from the base of the pyramid that is primary education. Contribute maximum energy to build up a healthy nation that has the ability to think over the issues concerning itself and it enjoys its right to vote pragmatically. It is from here that we can develop a healthy society. Short term actions have to be to reform the police to meet challenges of 21st century and active civil society participation to act as pressure group over the state apparatus.

Difficult times always bring out the best from an individual and also from the society. We have to take this event as an opportunity to build India into a nation that shall have the power to fulfill the dream of 1 billion people to live a respectful life, that has the ability to satisfy hunger of more than 500 million people and that has the ability to empower its every citizen with equal amount of say to decide his future irrespective of his economic and social condition.

Had this to happen then can only the souls of our brave martyrs can rest in peace and the likes of karkares, Ashok Kamtes can delightfully sing
" Aey Watan , Aey watan humko teri kasam,
teri rahoon mein jaan tak loota jayenge,
Jab uthegi shahiddo ki arthi tum rona nahi
magar jab hogi swantrata ki manaii hume bholna nahi......"

My UPSC Mains

This was his first mains of Civil Services exam conducted by UPSC every year. He was standing outside his exam hall. There were still 10 minutes to pass by so as the security to allow him to enter the hall.His mind went into reminiscence and he still clearly figured out how he had decided to pursue his life mission after a serious confrontation between his heart and his brain. Ultimately the decision taken by his heart prevailed and he quit a good paying job in a MNC and jumped into the preparations for this exam. It was his own decision and it was only he who had to work hard during these exam days to make his dream happen. He boosted himself and entered the exam hall.

All throughout, the exam went off extremely well only with the exception of geography paper. He was extremely satisfied by his performance. Now he will eagerly wait for the results which would be declared in March. By that time he has to start preparations for interview and at the same time he has to remain prepared to tackle next year prelims.

It was really an absorbing experience and he really enjoyed the process all throughout his preparation.