Friday, November 9, 2007

How is it?

Really difficult to taste, but essentially very easy to smell it.

The "it" here implies to the success in Civil Services Exam. A feather in a cap for one who tastes it while its like an Angel whom many of us just dream all around.

Yes and its true in all spheres of life, and these days its equally true for Sonam and Deepika too. Both of them being launched on the same day, now the fate will decide who will add icing to the cake.

Saawariya n OM Shanti OM????? Shahrukh or Ranbir? Farah or Bhansali???

Could you answer them? Well for every time i see the face of both these cute ladies(Sonam n deepika) , just cant resist anymore to see the movies. But the civils just remind you , its still a long time to celebrate.

With prelims exam on 18th May , the momentum will go on increasing from now on and shall continue upto may 2009. Its really important to stay focused to taste the success in civils but at the same time it time to say " OM SHANTI OM"

Friday, August 24, 2007

UPSC Civil Services Exam 2008

2 months!!

Yes that's the time that has went into my preparations of CSE2008 uptil now.

I know this is just a beginning and a lot more is to be invested from my end, but I think that all the time that I have put in is really satisfying. I think I have that right approach to crack this exam in my first attempt itself..maybe this is not overconfidence but a gut feeling.

One needs to be very much positive during the entire preaparation stage of this exam. Its not a matter of how tough this exam is, but it is we who make this exam tough.

The real battle will start from now.and I know the path is not full of roses. Now let me buzz off, I have to go with Economy studies rioght now!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Whose funeral it was??

I have been out today to attend the funeral of one of my friends in my building. It was a moment of despair and numbness for me. I really didnt knew how to react to this situation.

I tried to be calm for long time, but just lost control over my feeelings, when I saw directly into the eyes of my friend's mom who was desperately searching for her son in me. She just couldn't control her feelings nor did I.

But I was contrlling my friends mom and my myeslf, I strong observation just rocked me. I could just make out few of my friend's relative...his aunty, mausi, who were trying to expose their love for the dead one. They were trying their best to make a show of their love......a aunty who was crying with all her arms, was just spotted afterwards cracking jokes over latest episode of "kyunk saas bhi.....".

I was really analysing this situation at my end. I started corelating the things to myself. How can ur beloved ones behave so strange? Was it a funeral of my friend or was it a funeral of lost humaneship? I could just make it out it was a funeral of loss of sensivity towards feelings of others.

I was just praying to god " help me keep up my sensitiveness towards feelings of others as , it is the main value that I have to cherish all throughout my career in Civil Services"

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Dosti ya Kushti ???????

Its been twice since last few months that China has taken on India with a surprise.
The recent adventure being by new Chineese Foreign minister to directly challenge the
agreement signed by two countries in 2005.

Its a time for India to retrospect whether we have really been successful in CBM( confidence building measures) ? We have to decide whether China is trying to honour Dosti ya Kushti !!!

We have to live with the truth of being a neighbour of a mighty country and the recent economic compulsions. But at the same time we have to ensure that esteem of our country and of our brothers and sisters living out there in Arunachal is not sacrificed.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

On Your March; GET SET GO................................

I welcome You all in the world of Passion !!!

Its my feeling that the only difference between the Winner and the Loser is his deewangee (passion).

I shall post here all my felings that shall lead me towards my DEEWANGEE !!!